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Do you wish you could get more out of your time reading the Bible? Do you ever spend time reading only to look up and realize you have no clue what you just read?

That’s frustrating.

Most people struggle because they’ve never been taught what to look for!

I want to help!

It all starts with learning how to see. You need to learn to look for certain keywords and ideas when you read the Bible.

Take this verse for example:

“Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace.” – 1 Thessalonians 1:1

That’s just the introduction to 1 Thessalonians, right?! Most of us would probably just skim over that real quick and miss some rich truth.

You’ve got to learn to SEE what’s in the Bible. It takes practice. Watch the VIDEO below and I’ll show you how much you can get out of a single verse like 1 Thessalonians 1:1…

Can you imagine getting that much out of one verse? Imagine verse 2!!

This is just an introduction! For the next couple of weeks, I will post some videos showing you practical observations I look for when I read the Bible. I’m confident if you learn to see them when you read you will enjoy time in the Word and get more out of it!

Please reach out with questions if you want some help!

***I shot this series of videos for a men’s program called THE ENDURANCE, started by my friend Blake Brewer. It’s an amazing community helping men grow, be accountable, separate from sin, and walk with Jesus.  If you are interested in checking out The Endurance click the link below:

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